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Special report
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China's first coal mine virtual reality simulation operating system come out
TIME:2016-12-09 12:09 SOURCE:翰林科技 CLICK:
China Coal Network Report

 Recently, the first coal mine virtual reality simulation operation training system in Jiangsu Xuzhou Hanlin technology companies appeared, the advanced support low-level drawing and modeling capabilities of graphics library and OpenGL technology integrated R & D with the system, biggest characteristic is system from any surrounding environmental constraints, have very strong specific aim, practical and instructive.
As the first with a combination of hardware and software of coal mine virtual training platform, the system is divided into the mechanical coal mining practice of virtual operation teaching instrument, and the driving virtual training operation teaching instrument "two covers training system, to subvert the traditional lack of actual operation blackboard dictated, multi media on demand of training means, innovation will be training in practical operation of underground mining and excavation, machine, transportation, communication, escape and rescue etc. all kinds of equipment, to move the ground, exercise: do system virtual reproduction of the production environment, machinery and equipment industry and trade status, disassemble the equipment, repair and maintenance, comprehensive show through the operation of machinery and equipment operation part 1:1 ratio operation unit.
The training system in combination with the characteristics of safety production of coal mine, according to national on coal mine safety training syllabus and assessment standards, in line with the status of the coal industry safety training and state of coal mine safety technology training requirements, forming a relatively complete, new practical training mode. At the same time, the training system is constructed the 3D visual simulation system of coal mine safety technology and training, the whole plane and intuitive perspective combined, the teaching content more vivid, image display, for coal mine safety technology training provides a new technical means. Through the technology of 3D animation, virtual reproduction, disassemble the equipment, virtual practical operation and other the the the.
According to the company's technical staff, at present the system has been implemented in a large coal company in Shandong application, the training effect is significant, and obtain a high degree of experts in the coal mine industry. The successful implementation of the system will provide a comprehensive, systematic, and universally applicable value for the implementation of safety technology training in the coal industry ". (Yang Tao)

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