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Company news
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Self create the future of the Shanghai Jiaotong University of Hanlin people
TIME:2016-12-09 11:43 SOURCE:翰林科技 CLICK:
On July 2, 2014, our primary 8 people to participate in the study year 2014 Jiaotong University executives EMBA core senior seminar, prior to this, our company has 8 people to participate in the study of the course, through serious efforts to study and practice, in the recent graduation completed the course, self promotion. And all the staff who participated in the course of study, the course costs are borne by my company, designed to create a better learning environment for employees.

  上海交通大学是我国历史最悠久、最著名的高等学府之一 ,此次的EMBA培训课程其包括销售管理基本概念和提升销售领导力两大模块,不仅可以使我公司在企业管理与专业人员在管理技能与业务能力上有所提升,还可扩大人脉、了解产业政策。在此次公司组织学习之初,我公司各部门人员积极响应报名,体现了翰林人不断追求自我完善的执着精神,最终公司预选出8名员工参加2014年度的EMBA课程。


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